Well, it was my local library when I lived in Pennsylvania. The main branch of the Eastern Monroe Public Library, it was originally located on Main Street in Stroudsburg but relocated in 1996 to the corner of 611 and Chipperfield Drive. The building, which was formally occupied by Stroud's Jewelers, gave the library much needed space. It is a two-story structure and very well organized and visually appealing. I was never an avid reader when I was young (that has indeed since changed!), but this library in Stroudsburg influenced me greatly in the areas of film and music, which is why I am such a great advocate of AV today. From its original vinyl collection to its classical music collection on compact disc to the wide array of foreign films, travelogues and documentaries, I will be forever indebted to the library for making these materials available in the Poconos which was, at least at the time, a cultural wasteland. Thank you!!! http://www.monroepl.org/
If anyone has a picture of the library when it was still located at 913 Main St, please let me know!
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